Overuse Of The “Good” Leg And Sleep Issues

A Bruno Byte
From Richard L. Bruno, H.D, PhD
Director, International Centre for Polio Education


For the last 17 years my left leg and hip area have become much weaker. In 2000, I was fitted with a hip to toe brace. From the overuse of my right leg, I now have pain in my right knee and right thigh. To make matters worse, my sleep patterns are horrible. It seems like I never get more than 3 solid hours of sleep and I must be taking 10-12 mini-naps per day. Is this normal? Thanks to you writing the rulings and protocol at postpolioinfo.com, I received Social Security Disability. I couldn’t work with these symptoms!


You sound normal for a polio survivor. So glad our SSDI efforts in D.C. “paid off” for you!

You are overusing your “good” right leg, just as you yourself have diagnosed! I hope you're using 2 Loftstrand (forearm) crutches with the long leg brace! If not, speak to your physical therapist about crutches or a rolling walker. You may need right leg bracing or better yet a power wheelchair. See your rehabilitation physician (physiatrist) and get a new evaluation.

Your 10-12 mini-naps per day are not normal nor a good way to live. What if you're driving and a “mini- nap" comes on? You need to talk to your physician about a sleep study ASAP.


January 2017 Newsletter


Swallowing Difficulties and Polio