Living with Post-Polio Syndrome
Post-Polio Syndrome can be difficult and confusing to live with. On top of that, symptoms can arise over 30 years after the onset of polio. Below are a variety of articles across a variety of topics to help you, your loved ones, and your caregivers better understand PPS and the effects that it has on daily life.
Biographies of our professional contributors are available in the navigation bar under “Professionals”
Articles and Videos Related to Living with Post-Polio Syndrome:
(Use the Index to search for specific topics)
You might actually save money by not owning and driving your own car. Now to explore some options . . . Marny K. Eulberg, MD
“Developed during the 1920s, the iron lung was invented to help individuals with polio breathe after their torso and abdominal muscles ceased to work. Improvements to the iron lung were made throughout the 20th century, but the almost-obsolete hospital device still looks a lot like a machine used in interrogations or a cruel medical tool.”
“Just thinking about fatigue can make me tired! There are so many aspects to this issue. People can mean so many different things when they use the word.” Marny K. Eulberg, MD
(Click on the lower right side of the Index Box to search for specific topics)
Diagnosing Post-Polio Syndrome
Who Gets Post-Polio Conditions and What Are They? (Polio Australia Video)
Post-Polio Syndrome - What is it? How do you treat it? What does it feel like? Some answers from Marny K. Eulberg, MD (Video)