What Information Can I Give My Physician About PPS ?
We have information from multiple sources that can help.
Go to: Information for Health Care Providers and Caregivers (under the Heading: Post-Polio Syndrome).
This page has more than 50 articles and videos, from numerous resources.
The Index is easily accessible and lists not only the many article topics but the authors as well.
You will find information from: John Bach, MD, Norma Braun, MD, Richard Bruno, PhD, Selma Calmes, MD, William M. DeMayo, MD, Marny K. Eulberg, MD, Julie Silver, MD, Lauro Halstead, MD, Polio Australia, Post-Polio Health International, Carol Vandenakker-Albanese, MD (and more).
This page has DIRECT links to these pages of interest:
Anesthesia Concerns,
Diagnosing PPS,
Encyclopedia of Polio and PPS,
Living with Post-Polio Syndrome,
Primary Care,
Rehabilitative Care,
Symptom Checklist and Treatment Warnings and
What IS Post-Polio Syndrome.
When You Go To Your Physician:
Give them this link: https://polionetwork.org/caregivers (or) QR Code.
Take a copy of this easily downloaded article.
He/she can scan the QR code with their phone – making it very easy to access the information noted above.
Take a copy of the easily downloaded Symptom Checklist and Treatment Warnings as well.
Let them know that they can easily see the biographies of the authors we publish.
This article is available on our website under the Heading: “Living with PPS”, with the ability to download and print. Go to the Index under the topic(s): diagnosis or physician.
Many of you have told us you’ve given the book The Polio Paradox by Richard L. Bruno, PhD to your physicians, hoping they would read it. Dr. Bruno continued the information cited in that book in his ongoing work “The Encyclopedia of Polio and PPS”. It is easily accessed in the information above.