“Sitting” Exercise

Question:  Does anyone have a recommendation for a “seated exercise” video? There are so many to choose from.

Dr. Bruno’s Response:  Do your daily activities for living – THAT’s exercise. You don't need muscle tone you need muscles that work. A formal exercise program without support from a PPS knowledgeable physician/physical therapist is the surest way to kill off the nerves that run your muscles.

Following nonprofessional guidelines for cardio exercise is counterproductive and will cause PPS muscle weakness by burning out the surviving, overworked neurons. The overwhelming majority of polio survivors can't get their heart rate up high enough to actually get a cardiopulmonary effect. It's like paying good money for high-quality gin, getting home and finding out that it's wood alcohol! Please - NO heart pumping exercise!

Additional Question:  I used to love to swim but it has become harder and harder, firstly because I am unbalanced through having a mastectomy in 2004 and secondly because I have such awful edema in my legs they float in the bath . . . my question is do you think swimming is counterproductive for my motor neurons.

Dr. Bruno’s Response:  Listen to your body. For the majority of polio survivors, just the getting there, changing clothes, showering -- let alone the swimming -- make swimming too much to do. 

Coming back into the locker room to change?  It’s never warm enough.

Look in the Index of the Encyclopedia of Polio and PPS for the topic “Exercise”.

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD


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