Wellness: The Role of the Primary Care Physician

Polio Network News: Spring, 1998

Wellness is being the best that you can be - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

The steps to attaining wellness may sometimes seem overwhelming and almost impossible to achieve. We may be hesitant to begin, but we must remember that we do not have to achieve perfection. This does not have to be an all or nothing situation. It is worthwhile and useful to work towards wellness, just as we may try to work towards perfection.

Most of the concepts of wellness are the same for all people whether they have a disability or are nondisabled. We are all ordinary, everyday people, and I would like to think that we are ordinary, everyday people first, and polio survivors second. That certainly does not negate the impact polio has had on your lives.

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Wellness for Polio Survivors


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