Original Post: For the last two nights, my polio leg has uncontrollable jerks and twitches. They wake me up from a sound sleep and so needless to say I am up until 4 in the morning! I've had them before, but they seem to be getting worse. Is this just part of PPS? Or is it something I need to go to the Post-Polio Clinic about?

2nd Post: Mine are generally connected to over use. That and the cramping (two different things). Also I don't have restless leg but I notice at times my feet jerk and twitch by themselves.

3rd Post: Twitching and jerking were my first identifiable symptoms of PPS. I had full body jerks that woke me up. 

4th Post: It hits my left leg really badly if I have done too much and then lay down. I put a hot water bottle under my knee and it sure helps calm the leg down.

Dr. Bruno’s Response:  Twitching happening all of a sudden is a sign of overuse. Of course, polio survivors have mastered the art of all muscles twitching all night long, which is knocked out by a low dose of alprazolam right before bed. (Alprazolam is the generic for Xanax). It's not addictive when its taken before bed because you're asleep when it works. (We’ve never had a polio survivor addicted to alprazolam even up to 2 mg before going to bed.)

This article can help you talk to your physician: Abnormal Movements in Sleep as Post-Polio Sequelae. For more information, go to the Index of the Encyclopedia of Polio and PPS and look for the topic: Leg Movements in Sleep.

5th Post:  I have switched from Ambien to Alprazolam and have found that I only need to take half of a 1mg tablet to help me relax enough to fall asleep. I had a stronger than normal episode the other evening with my leg twitching but after taking Alprazolam it calmed it right down enough for me to fall back to sleep.

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD


Antibiotics and Fatigue in Polio Survivors  


Increasing Fatigue