EMG and “Old” Polio  

Original Post: I had an EMG done yesterday on my right leg. The doctor that did the EMG told me it showed that I had "an old polio". I didn't even think much about it till I got home because I was talking about PPS. Is PPS referred to as "old polio"?

Dr. Bruno’s Response:  What should have been said is, "Your EMG shows damage consistent with having had polio”.   EMG’s cannot diagnose PPS. They only confirm damage consistent with an “old” polio.  They can be effective when there is “suspicion” that the patient may have had polio and they are using it to rule out other issues.

This is a reason polio survivors shouldn't have EMGs unless another diagnosis is suspected. EMGs hurt and are very expensive.

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD


“Mild” Case of Polio and PPS 


Medicare Coverage for Physical Therapy