Are Vaccines Harmful ? 

Dr. Bruno’s Original Post:  Science proves that vaccines are helpful NOT harmful.  This is a summary of the article.

                       Science Proves Vaccines are Helpful, Not Harmful, to Society

Article ID: 704119 16-Nov-2018 10:05 AM

Source Newsroom: Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) 

“As more and more parents buy into the belief that vaccines cause autism and refuse to vaccinate their children, previously eradicated diseases are making their way back into society. These beliefs are part of “post-truth” politics in which authority figures are making public assertions without any proof or factual basis and are refusing to acknowledge factual rebuttals. The relationship between the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination and autism has perpetrated society despite having been debunked in numerous scientific studies, and the Human Papillomavirus vaccine has been targeted as well. Members of the medical community are concerned with how they can make facts ‘attractive’ again and how trust in scientific information can be rebuilt, moving society towards a ‘post-trust’ era.”    

“Measles incidences are on the rise in Europe and measles vaccination rates are dropping. Ruth Kutalek, Ph.D., Medical University of Vienna, and her team investigated this emerging vaccine hesitancy from an anthropological perspective by conducting interviews with 44 public health experts, vaccine hesitant professionals and vaccine hesitant parents in Vienna, Austria. Experts stressed that vaccine hesitancy is reinforced by the spread of myths and rumors from vaccine-critical platforms.”

“The study, ‘Measles vaccination and vaccine hesitancy in Austria – Anthropological perspectives’ found that the most prominent reason parents chose not to vaccinate their child is the perception that measles do not pose a significant threat and they are anxious about side effects and are concerned about overloading the child’s immature immune system. Vaccine critical health professionals suspected that vaccine information was biased and that there were not enough studies of the long-term effect of early vaccination and that measles complications were over exaggerated. The overarching theme was a lack of trust in the scientific information provided about measles and the vaccine.”

Nigeria has made immense progress in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative with a decline wild poliovirus cases from 1122 in 2006 to just four in 2016 and zero to date.  

(Post Publication Note: Nigeria was declared polio “free” in August, 2020). 

Source:  The Full Article

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD


“Polio Feet”  


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