CBD (Medical Marijuana) and THC  

Dr. Bruno’s Original Post: After 20,000 doses, "results suggest that THC may be more important than CBD in generating therapeutic benefits. In our study, CBD appears to have little effect at all, while THC generates measurable improvements in symptom relief."

This is another article summary that clarifies that there is still a LOT of confusing information about this. 

THC Found More Important for Therapeutic Effects in Cannabis than Originally Thought

Article ID: 708796 Released: 27-Feb-2019

Source Newsroom: University of New Mexico 

“Researchers at the University of New Mexico (UNM) recently solved a major gap in scientific literature by using mobile software technology to measure the real-time effects of actual cannabis-based products used by millions of people every day.  Contrary to popular media-reports and scientific dogma, the psychoactive chemical, tetrahydrocannabinol or ‘THC,’ showed the strongest correlation with therapeutic relief and far less evidence for the benefits of relying on the more socially acceptable chemical, cannabidiol or ‘CBD.’ “

“In a new study titled, ‘The Association between Cannabis Product Characteristics and Symptom Relief,’ published in the journal Scientific Reports, UNM researchers Sarah See Stith, assistant professor in the Department of Economics, and Jacob Miguel Vigil, associate professor in the Department of Psychology, found that THC and CBD contents were the most important factor for optimizing symptom relief for a wide variety of health conditions.”

“Cannabis is rapidly gaining popularity as a mid-level analgesic and promising substitute for prescription opioids and other classes of medications, which often carry undesirable side effects, dangerous drug interactions and risk of death. Presently, federal barriers restrict researchers from conducting cannabis administration studies in the U.S.”

“One of the most striking patterns in the current results was that THC was generally associated with a more intense user experience, as measured by symptom relief and the prevalence of both positive and negative side effects.”

"Despite the conventional wisdom, both in the popular press and much of the scientific community that only CBD has medical benefits while THC merely makes one high, our results suggest that THC may be more important than CBD in generating therapeutic benefits. In our study, CBD appears to have little effect at all, while THC generates measurable improvements in symptom relief. “

“The authors caution that cannabis use does carry the risks of addiction and short-term impairments in cognitive and behavioral functioning, and may not be effective for everyone.” 

Source:  Full Article

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD 


AFM (Acute Flaccid Myelitis)


CBD (Medical Marijuana)