We can finish the job of Polio Eradication but, it will not be easy.

This year, 2019, has been a challenging one for polio eradication. Though we have made incredible gains in recent years, the polio program has faced two critical challenges. First, an increase in wild poliovirus (WPV) cases in Pakistan and Afghanistan, the only two countries with detected WPV cases since 2016. And second, a large increase in outbreaks of circulating vaccine derived polio virus (cVDPV). The challenges present in Pakistan and Afghanistan that have led to an increase in cases include: low vaccination campaign quality, mobile populations, conflict and insecurity, bans on house-to-house vaccination in certain areas, and misinformation campaigns resulting in parental refusals. Weak routine immunization systems in communities around the world allows for the emergence of vaccine derived poliovirus and ongoing circulation. Outbreaks of cVDPV are now ongoing in 12 countries in Africa and Asia.

Read more here.


World Polio Day 2019 Global Update (Video)


A Polio Survivor’s Guide: Funding Resources for Medical & Adaptive Resources