Restless Legs at Night

Question:  I’ve had restless legs for years. It feels like I need to get up and move my legs because they won’t stay still. My doctor prescribed 2 mg. of Ropinorole before bedtime. Is it common with PPS? 

Dr. Bruno’s Response:

  • “Need to get up and move my legs” is the definition of RLS, restless legs syndrome.

  • Legs that “won’t stay still” is the definition of PLMS (Periodic Leg Movements in Sleep).  

At the Post-Polio Institute, we discovered that about 1.0 mg of alprazolam 30 minutes before bed stops the leg movements.  Abnormal Movements in Sleep as Post-Polio Sequelae and Restless Legs are two articles that can help.

For more information, please go to the ENCYCLOPEDIA of POLIO & PPS, look in the Index for “Sleep” or “Leg Movements in Sleep”.

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD


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