Restless Legs at Night
Question: I’ve had restless legs for years. It feels like I need to get up and move my legs because they won’t stay still. My doctor prescribed 2 mg. of Ropinorole before bedtime. Is it common with PPS?
Dr. Bruno’s Response:
“Need to get up and move my legs” is the definition of RLS, restless legs syndrome.
Legs that “won’t stay still” is the definition of PLMS (Periodic Leg Movements in Sleep).
At the Post-Polio Institute, we discovered that about 1.0 mg of alprazolam 30 minutes before bed stops the leg movements. Abnormal Movements in Sleep as Post-Polio Sequelae and Restless Legs are two articles that can help.
For more information, please go to the ENCYCLOPEDIA of POLIO & PPS, look in the Index for “Sleep” or “Leg Movements in Sleep”.