COVID-19 Control Columns for Polio Survivors

In 1985 we discovered that polio survivors were Super Type A: driven, anxious and controlling perfectionists. A few years later we discovered why. Having had polio, plus the draconian ways it was dealt with -- including isolation and quarantine -- were the ideal circumstances to create anxious and controlling Type A perfectionists.

Today a virus once again has polio survivors isolated and afraid, television and the Internet continuously providing terrifying but conflicting and uncertain information about the chance of catching COVID-19 and when the quarantine will be over.

How could the repetition of isolation and helplessness as happened during the polio epidemics not fuel sometimes-overwhelming fear in polio survivors?


With that said, it might help to turn off the TV, take a deep breath and write down “control columns” listing the reality of your fears and what you are already doing to take control of your own life!


List your FEARS and next to them the LIKELIHOOD of each becoming a REALITY:



List each thing you're doing to TAKE CONTROL and PROTECT YOURSELF and HOW OFTEN you are doing them.

Looking at the columns, you can see how unlikely terrible outcomes are, how much you already are taking control to protect yourself and where you may need to make changes to prepare for problems (finding a wheelchair repair person) and take better care of yourself (like turning off the TV).

If you’d like to, print out this article and:

Add one big FEAR and its LIKELIHOOD and one thing you're doing to TAKE CONTROL so fear doesn’t control you!

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD


Comparing the Polio and Coronavirus Epidemics


The deadly polio epidemic and why it matters for coronavirus