Issues Related to Surgery

Question: Next week I’m going under the knife to repair the meniscus in my right knee. This is the “good” leg, so I am hoping that I will be more mobile.

Dr. Bruno’s Response: Please make sure the surgeon and the anesthesiologist know about this article:

Preventing Complications in Polio Survivors Undergoing Surgery (or) Receiving Anesthesia.

If you haven’t already, please download the Anesthesia Warning Card (available in both English and Spanish) and give it to your physician AND anesthesiologist.

The QR code gives them easy access to multiple articles and the biographies of the authors.

We are hearing from the survivors that by showing your physician and anesthesiologist this card, the information begins a conversation between patient and doctor that may otherwise not have taken place.

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD


Could I Have Gotten Polio Twice ?


Muscle Weakness and the Cold Weather