“Finding” Words
Original Post: Word Loss / Polio Brain - I've read all or most of what's come my way about this topic.
It's becoming one of the most embarrassing aspects of PPS. I look to my dear husband in desperation who scrambles to complete my sentence for me. I find that with me - it's almost always nouns I forget.
Additional Post(s):
This happens to me much more when I am tired. Fatigue of any kind will increase the word finding problem.
It happens to me a lot. My experience is that my internal voice is very clear, but verbalizing my thoughts can be impossible sometimes, almost seeming vague. I end up just being quiet.
Stress and fatigue make it worse.
Word retrieval was one of my earliest PPS symptoms. Addressing the pain and mobility issues, thereby lessening some anxiety, has relieved it a bit.
Dr. Bruno’s Response: Nouns will get you every time!
There are two articles in the Encyclopedia of Polio and Post-Polio Sequelae under the topic “Fatigue” -