Is PPS Progressive?

From Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD 
Director, International Centre for Polio Education


I’m definitely getting weaker as the years go by. My physician said that this additional weakness cannot be caused by PPS because it reaches a point and does not progress any further. Can that be?

Dr. Bruno’s Response:

I wish that it were true! Saying that Post-Polio Sequelae reaches a point and does not progress any further is like saying you can drive your car and, when it reaches a certain point, it will continue going but doesn’t use more gas.

PPS is caused by “overuse abuse” of remaining, poliovirus-damaged neurons. Overuse abuse damages those vulnerable neurons and causes PPS symptoms: overwhelming fatigue, muscle weakness, muscle and joint pain and difficulty swallowing and breathing. The more overuse abuse, the more neuron damage and the more new symptoms appear and old ones progress as your neurons “run out of gas.“

So if you want to stop progression and actually feel better listen to your body and take your foot off the “accelerator” to Conserve to Preserve remaining, poliovirus-damaged neurons.

For more information, look under the topics of “Fatigue” and “Muscle Pain/Weakness” in the Index of the Encyclopedia of Polio and PPS.


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