Let’s Talk About the Spine: Physical Therapy Intervention

Let’s Talk About the Spine: Physical Therapy Intervention by Cynthia Henley, PT and Kathryn Wollam, PT

Promoting Healthy Ideas: PHI’s 11th International Conference - June 2, 2014

“Physical therapy treatment for spinal pain and dysfunction requires a multifaceted approach. Treatment follows a detailed evaluation and is specific to the needs of each patient. No two backs are the same even with the same diagnosis. In this part of the session, we will cover physical therapy interventions that address changes that occur in the body due to spinal diagnosis and aging with polio. The presentation will include information on modalities to address symptoms along with body mechanics and ADL modifications to decrease stressors on the spine. Therapeutic exercise for flexibility, strengthening and general conditioning to improve the supportive structures will be discussed.”

Our bodies continue to change throughout our lives. Changes that occur specifically to the spine include:

  • loss of disc height

  • vertebral bodies become thinner due to loss of mineral content

  • bone spurs may develop

  • trunk becomes shorter

Topics Covered:

Body Mechanics

Home Modifications for Back Pain Relief


Therapeutic Exercise

  • Stretching, Strengthening, Conditioning and Aquatic Exercise

The Presentation is available for download:


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