Question:  Does Axon therapy work for people who have had polio?

Dr. Bruno’s Response:  According to the Jun 17, 2021 press release, "Axon Therapy delivers focused magnetic pulses which activate the damaged peripheral nerve axons that are required to provide relief from chronic nerve pain." I think with this sentence actually means is that the Axon Therapy machine's magnetic pulses activate damaged peripheral nerve axons to provide relief from chronic nerve pain. But the manufacturer is tricky, saying the device provides "Chronic Pain Relief" in some places in their literature and in other places is specific about it only providing "relief from chronic nerve pain." The bottom line is that the Axon Therapy machine only treats pain that is the result of peripheral (arm, hand, foot, leg) traumatic SENSORY nerve injury, "caused by surgical procedures, limb loss, severe burns, car accidents and other injuries."

    Polio does not cause damage of any kind to sensory nerves. The first large, randomized, controlled Axon Therapy study began at the end of May, 2021. If you have a traumatic peripheral nerve injury causing pain I might wait until the study findings are published. But Axon Therapy is not Intended to treat any other type of pain.   

Source Article

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD


“Brain Rewiring” in Polio Survivors


Attention and Memory