Original Post: On “Today Weekend” Dr. John Torres reported & commented on Low Carb Diet Research (source: BMJ, a British organization) including what type of carbohydrates matter. We need carbs to help brain & muscles. There was a graphic of carbs to avoid: “white bread, white rice, potato products, low fat cookies & crackers.”

Additional Post:  I think we do need “good” carbs. But many low fat things have added sugar. That's a reason why I pay more attention to nutrition info on package - usually on back - than what's bragged about on the front. There are carbs in many fruits and vegetables.  

Dr. Bruno’s Response: See the low carb/higher protein "POST-POLIO DIET" at the ENCYCLOPEDIA of POLIO & PPS. You can more in the Index under the topic: “Diet”.        

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD


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