Using a “Local” Anesthetic for a Spinal Fusion 

Original Post:  I had Polio in 1950. Six years later, I had a complete spinal fusion using bone from me and from my mother. I am having my right hip replaced and the anesthesia provider wants to use a local anesthetic not general. I have always had general but was told that local would be better for my recovery. I'm trying to determine if the local is wise with my fused back.

Dr. Bruno’s Response:  I would recommend that you have a complete pulmonary evaluation and have the lung doctor determine whether general anesthesia would be detrimental. The pulmonary doctor must consult with your surgeon and the anesthesiologist long before you go to the hospital. It will be complicated to do an epidural with your spinal fusion. If they follow the surgery rules for polio survivors (see the article below) and you have no special breathing issues, they will probably use intravenous and gaseous anesthesia for a hip replacement.

Giving them this article - Preventing Complications in Polio Survivors undergoing Surgery (or) Receiving Anesthesia, access to an easily downloaded Anesthesia Warning Card will help. More information is available in the Encyclopedia of Polio and PPS. Look in the Index under the topic “Anesthesia”.

I hope this helps.

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD


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