Muscle Cramping (after an EMG) and the Importance of Fluids 

Original Post:  Has anyone had an EMG and had problems with the muscles knotting up and cramping for about two weeks afterward?   My neurologist said he had never heard of that happening. In 1950 I was diagnosed with polio and unable to walk or hold my arms over my head.   I have had to deal with aches and weakness all my life but it is getting worse. My neurologist stated there was nothing wrong with my EMG and I should not have had any problems post procedure.

Dr. Bruno’s Response:   To do an EMG, as you painfully know, you have to stick a large needle into many places in a muscle and that causes damage. If the muscle fibers that are being pierced are not functioning properly due to polio damaged neurons I can make a case for you having pain and cramping. If it's hot where you are make sure your electrolytes are OK and maybe drink some Gatorade.

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD


Increasing Fatigue  


“Functional Capabilities Evaluation” for Long Term Disability