Buying a $100,000 Brace

Question: I am considering buying a computerized full leg brace called the C brace made by Ottobock. The price tag is close to $100,000 and is not covered by insurance.  They claim I would be able to walk almost normally and not have to depend on crutches.

Dr. Bruno’s Response: The company can't possibly know whether you will need to use crutches or not without your first being evaluated by a rehabilitation doctor and having manual muscle testing. The C brace is an offshoot of Ottobock's computerized knee used in above the knee amputees' prosthetics. In amputees the principal concern is learning how to use the prosthetic; polio survivors not only have to learn to use the brace, but also have to deal with muscle weakness in the opposite leg, hips, low back and core muscles.

They appear to be asking for a lot of money that I think could be better spent elsewhere.

Richard L. Bruno, HD , PhD


Did FDR Have Polio?


Gates Notes: Polio eradication took a step backwards, but we can recover lost ground.