Survivors and Community Partners In Action

Survivor Marge Myler visits the Rotary Club of Stroudsburg and stands with DG Karen DeMatteo, 2019
Bucks County PA Rotarian Pat Rider delivering Vaccine Information Packets, 2022
Survivors exhibiting at the PA State Immunization Conference, 2018
Survivor Deborah Stambaugh exhibiting at a Health Fair with representatives from her local Adams/York County Immunization Coalition, 2018
Survivor/Rotarians Carol Ferguson and Deborah Stambaugh World Polio Day, 2021
Hopeful Bucks County, PA Survivors, 2016
Philadelphia area survivors advocating for eradication, 2016
Joe Randig – Teddy Bear, 10/18/2020
PPSN and Shared Support South partnering with the Bucks County Immunization Coalition Packing Vaccine Information Packets, 2021
Survivor Margaret Myler, 2016

A Gift of Gratitude from polio survivors all over the US and abroad given to Carol Pandak, Rotary International, 2016
Representing Polio Survivors at the PA Immunization Coalition Conference, 6/2022
Survivors Jim Smith, Carol Ferguson and Donna Aragon advocating for polio eradication Race to Zero – District 7430, 10/2018
Survivor Marge Myler visits the Rotary Club of Stroudsburg and stands with DG Karen DeMatteo, 2019
Survivor Tom Grant (and his wife Marie) talk to children about living with the effects of Polio
Survivor Nancy Zuspan stands with Rotary District Governor Patrick Rooney to eradicate polio, 2019
Survivor Advocacy
Survivor Carol Ferguson at a Rotary event supporting polio eradication, 2018
Survivor John Nanni, 2020
Survivor Deb Stamburgh – Speaking about the realities of the poliovirus at a local church, 2016

Bucks County PA Rotarians – Assisting in Vaccine Information Packet Distribution, 2022
Polio Survivors and Rotarians in Hanover, PA honoring World Polio Day with a special Bus, 2019
Hanover, PA Post-Polio Support Group supporting Rotary International’s efforts to eradicate polio, 2016
Survivors Norene Edgar and Deborah Stambaugh speaking at the Hanover, PA Rotary Club, 2023
Rotarian conference volunteer learns about the late effects of polio from a survivor, 2017