Original Post:  What pain medication do you recommend for polio-survivors? After doing some work outside in my shade garden this year I have developed new pain.  Ibuprofen & Acetaminophen aren’t helping at all.

Dr. Bruno’s Response:  You need a diagnosis from your physician before you would know what medication is needed.

Additional Post:  What do you mean by "diagnosis"? Is this done by the process of elimination of other conditions?  This new pain is in my joints & lower back on my weaker side, from shoulder on down. I had Polio when I was 10 and developed scoliosis at age 14. I wear a miserable back brace that probably needs to be replaced.

Dr. Bruno’s Response:  Diagnosis comes BY process of elimination.

Typically for Polio survivors, rehabilitation physicians (physiatrists) are best because they are trained to look at the source of the pain. They or an orthopedist may send you for X-rays of your joints and your back, and maybe MRI. PPS is ALWAYS a diagnosis of exclusion.

**Remember – not every symptom is a result of PPS**

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD


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