Stem Cell Therapy for PPS

Question:  Stem cell injections – are they something to consider for PPS? I asked a doctor who knows a lot about post-polio issues if it would help my knees (as I have no cartilage in either). He told me it would be a waste of money.

Dr. Bruno’s Response:  Stem Cells and IVIg. Once again, questions are coming up about these two “Non-traditional” Treatments for PPS.

Please read Stem Cell Therapy is NOT for Polio Survivors. It one of many articles on this topic.

Check out the Index of the Encyclopedia of Polio and PPS.  Click on the button that says Index/Category.  You will see articles listed under the topics of both: Stem Cells and Treatment

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD


Salk or Sabin Vaccine Antibodies Being Passed from Mother to Child 


Disinformation from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr Regarding Polio Vaccines: