What it was like to live in an Iron Lung (Video)
“Developed during the 1920s, the iron lung was invented to help individuals with polio breathe after their torso and abdominal muscles ceased to work. Improvements to the iron lung were made throughout the 20th century, but the almost-obsolete hospital device still looks a lot like a machine used in interrogations or a cruel medical tool.”
Words of Hope from Bill Gates (Video)
“The world owes a deb of gratitude to the Rotarians, healthcare workers and volunteers who have knocked on doors, set up clinics and traveled across countries to make sure children are protected from this awful disease." Bill Gates, 2024
How Polio and PPS Impact our Character, Personality, and Emotional Experiences (Video)
How Polio and PPS Impact our Character, Personality, and Emotional Experiences (PHI Video)
Who Helps Those Who are Experiencing Post-Polio Conditions? (Video)
Who Helps Those Who are Experiencing Post-Polio Conditions? (Polio Australia Video)
Novel Oral Polio Vaccine Type 2 (nOPV2)-Video
"To end polio, we need to stop all types of the virus. Novel oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2) is an improved vaccine for stopping outbreaks of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2). Learn more about cVDPV2 and the potential of nOPV2 for outbreak response."
What is Most Difficult for Those With Post-Polio Conditions? (Video)
What is Most Difficult for People with Post-Polio Conditions (Polio Australia Video)
"Untold Story About Black Children Who Had Polio and Were Treated.” (Video)
“Tuskegee University's critical role in treating Black children with polio and the first vaccine at the height of segregation." From ABC News
Do Those Exposed to Polio Face Health Risks?(Video)
Do Those Exposed to Polio Face Health Risks? (Polio Australia Video)
What are the Main Symptoms of Post-Polio? (Video)
What are the Main Symptoms of Post-Polio Conditions? (Polio Australia Video)
The Iron Lung and Polio (Video)
"The Iron Lung and Polio" by Mark Rockoff, MD for OPENPediatrics
How is Post-Polio Diagnosed and by Whom? (Video)
How is Post-Polio Diagnosed and by Whom? (Polio Australia Video)
How Would a Clinician Identify Who is at Risk for Post-Polio? (Video)
How Would a Clinician Identify Who is at Risk for Post-Polio? (Polio Australia Video)
What Does a Person Experiencing Post-Polio Look Like? (Video)
What Does a Person Experiencing Post-Polio Look Like? (Video)
The Laws of Polio Electrodynamics (Video)
The Laws of Polio Electrodynamics. A webinar by Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD - September, 2018