Sleep – Is it Necessary? 

Dr. Bruno’s Original Post:  Sleep is GOOD !

People Who Sleep Less Than 8 Hours a Night are More Likely to Suffer from Depression, Anxiety

    “Sleeping less than the recommended eight hours a night is associated with intrusive, repetitive thoughts like those seen in anxiety or depression, according to new research from Binghamton University, State University of New York.’

     “We realized over time that this might be important — this repetitive negative thinking is relevant to several different disorders like anxiety, depression and many other things,” said Coles. “This is novel in that we’re exploring the overlap between sleep disruptions and the way they affect these basic processes that help in ignoring those obsessive negative thoughts.”  The researchers are further exploring this discovery, evaluating how the timing and duration of sleep may also contribute to the development or maintenance of psychological disorders. “    

Source:  The Full article (containing video)

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD


Polio and Dopamine Producing Neurons 


Medications for Sleep