“Frozen Fingers” and Being COLD 

Dr. Bruno’s Original Post:  This article Of Frozen Fingers and Polio Feet is a warming winter tale for everyone who hates the coldddddd! 

Polio survivors are extremely sensitive to changes in temperature. At merely cool temperatures, polio survivors report that their feet have always been cold to the touch, their skin a purplish color. However, as polio survivors have aged, 50% report intolerance to cold and that their limbs have become more sensitive to pain as the temperature decreases. Cold was reported to cause muscle weakness in 62% of polio survivors, muscle pain in 60%, and fatigue in 39%. (Bruno & Frick, 1987). 

For more information, pour a hot cup of tea, huddle under a blanket and go to the Index in the Encyclopedia of Polio and PPS and look for the topic “Temperature”. You’re not alone.

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD


Do Children of Polio Survivors Need the Polio Vaccine ?


Polio Survivors and Osteoporosis