Physical Therapy and PPS  

Original Post:  I want to stop physical therapy until after I visit with my neurosurgeon. I know that I should not overuse my affected leg. But I also can’t do intense exercises for my upper limbs, my back and belly to lose weight. I am severely fatigued all of the time and feel that the physical therapy is counterproductive. I am completely worn out.

Dr. Bruno’s Response:  I would recommend that you listen to your body and STOP physical therapy until the doctor visit. Once there tell the doc you are exhausted and ask exactly WHAT physical therapy is being recommended and WHY it’s necessary.  You want to eliminate any muscle strengthening exercises.

     Here are some outstanding guidelines for physical therapy.  This article:  Physical Therapy and PPS was written by the physical therapist who cared for Polio Survivors at The Post-Polio Institute for almost 10 years. 

You can find it under the topic “Physical Therapy” in the Index of the Encyclopedia of Polio and PPS.

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD


Pain and Stiffness in the “Non Polio” Leg  


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