Original Post:  I have been depressed for a very long time and have been on antidepressants for more than 20 years. I find that I am at a breaking point. I'm tired and very discouraged. Is anyone taking meds that make their mind feel right again?  Does the brain lose its neurons like the rest of our body and cause depression?

Dr. Bruno’s Response:  Brain neurons die with the polio infection but we don't have evidence that they die with PPS. However brain neurons do "brown out” and work less well in polio survivors, especially the neurons that are supposed to activate the brain. David Bodian's research in the 1940s and our research answers questions about the effects of losing brain neurons.  Post-Polio Brain Fatigue is one of the articles under the topic: Brain Fatigue in the Index of the  Encyclopedia of Polio and PPS that can help.

    For depression that's not responding to drugs or if you're having major side effects, I recommend that you see a psychopharmacologist not your local psychiatrist. Going to a major medical center would be a good idea.  I hope this helps.

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD


Gender and Polio Eradication (Video)


Polio: Forgotten, Not Gone