Coffee with Polio Experts: Anand Balachandran, WHO (Video)
Anand Balachandran, former Coordinator Polio Transition, speaks to the GPEI about ensuring the infrastructure built up to eradicate polio will continue to benefit broader public health goals, long after the disease has been eradicated.
Sticking to Zero: Polio Surveillance (Video)
"Polio surveillance is essential to win the fight against polio."
Coffee with Polio Experts: Honorine Mollard Billard, WHO (Video)
Honorine Mollard Billard, Polio Eradication Officer at WHO, speaks to the GPEI about critical country support to vaccination campaigns in Lao PDR, why it is important for polio-free countries to maintain high immunity, and the additional health interventions offered to communities during a polio campaign.
Coffee with Polio Experts: Prof David Heymann, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (Video)
David Heymann, long-time public health expert, discusses what lessons smallpox eradication teaches us in eradicating a disease, and why it is critical to complete the job of polio eradication.
The Two Polio Vaccines (Video)
"Polio can’t be cured, but it can be prevented. Two important tools help to prevent polio – two safe, effective vaccines. Find out about the oral polio vaccine and the inactivated poliovirus vaccine and their roles in the polio eradication effort."
The Rocky Road toward Disease Eradication (Video)
“Polio is largely seen as the gold standard for global health professionals working in disease eradication." "Thanks to international collaboration and the leadership of national governments, polio cases have fallen."
Coffee with Polio Experts: Mohammed Mohammedi, WHO (Video)
Mohammed Mohammedi, country support officer for the Eastern Mediterranean region, speaks to the GPEI about the main challenges facing countries and communities which are at risk of re-infection.
Coffee with Polio Experts: Carolyn Sein, WHO (Video)
"Coffee with the Polio Experts" featuring Dr. Carolyn Sein from WHO
Coffee with Polio Experts: Professor David Salisbury (Video)
"Professor David Salisbury, chair of the Global Commission for the Certification of the Eradication of Poliomyelitis, talks us through the process of certifying the world as polio-free, and the importance of containing the virus after eradication."
Reaching Every Last Child (Video)
Every child deserves to live a life free of polio - no matter who they are or no matter where they were born.
Sadly, many barriers can stand between a child and a vaccine.
Responding to a Polio Outbreak (Video)
"Anytime a child is paralyzed by polio in any country, the World Health Organization and its partners move fast to stop the outbreak."
What Polio Eradication Means to Me (Video)
"We asked Rotary members around the world why they contribute to the polio eradication effort." Rotary International
The Polio Surveillance System (Video)
"The search for the poliovirus is triggered when any child is found with acute flaccid paralysis. From the most remote communities to the laboratory, the World Health Organization makes sure that the pieces of the surveillance system work together so that if the poliovirus is circulating anywhere in the world it will be found – and stopped."
Coffee with Polio Experts: Carol Pandak, Rotary International (Video)
A chat about Rotary’s role in polio eradication with Carol Pandak, the Director of PolioPlus for Rotary International
What Polio Survivors Want Their Health Care Providers to Know (Video)
Polio Survivors from Eastern Idaho, Northern Colorado, Western Nebraska and Wyoming were supported by Rotary District 5440 to explain what they want their health care providers to understand about the Late Effects of Polio.