Reaching Every Last Child (Video)
Every child deserves to live a life free of polio - no matter who they are or no matter where they were born.
Sadly, many barriers can stand between a child and a vaccine.
Responding to a Polio Outbreak (Video)
"Anytime a child is paralyzed by polio in any country, the World Health Organization and its partners move fast to stop the outbreak."
What Polio Eradication Means to Me (Video)
"We asked Rotary members around the world why they contribute to the polio eradication effort." Rotary International
“Bigger” than Polio
In order to get away from Trenton, NJ, which was experiencing a terrible epidemic of polio, Sally’s cousins had rented a house while their husbands were overseas. However, she and two of her younger cousins got sick, and Sally had to be driven home.
Riding Semi-Accessible Rails with Great Success
I have gone cross country from Seattle, WA to Lancaster, PA and up and down both coasts. Because I live on the west coast, my favorite option for east coast rail travel is to fly to Chicago and catch the train there.