Coffee with Polio Experts: Prof David Heymann, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (Video)
David Heymann, long-time public health expert, discusses what lessons smallpox eradication teaches us in eradicating a disease, and why it is critical to complete the job of polio eradication.
This Athlete Conquered Poverty, Racism, and Polio in Order to Became an Olympian
Six-year-old Wilma Rudolph was different from the other kids. They could walk, run, and jump, but she was hampered by a paralyzed, twisted left leg.
The Two Polio Vaccines (Video)
"Polio can’t be cured, but it can be prevented. Two important tools help to prevent polio – two safe, effective vaccines. Find out about the oral polio vaccine and the inactivated poliovirus vaccine and their roles in the polio eradication effort."
The Rocky Road toward Disease Eradication (Video)
“Polio is largely seen as the gold standard for global health professionals working in disease eradication." "Thanks to international collaboration and the leadership of national governments, polio cases have fallen."