Cardiac Medications and PPS 

Original Post: I have AFIB (atrial fibrillation) and normally it does not bother me. I take a very low dose of metoprolol at night, time release. If I take it during the day I'm too tired to function. My cardiologist retired so I’m with a new one who doesn’t recognize PPS fatigue. Could this be a “beta blocker” issue?

Dr. Bruno’s Response: Beta blockers like metoprolol are especially sedating in polio survivors. When taken at night you sleep through the sedation. When taken during the day, you just sleep. For information, please Cardiac Drugs, High Blood Pressure and PPS  under the topic “Medications” in the Index of the ENCYCLOPEDIA of POLIO & PPS.

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD


Legs Feeling Like They are on Fire


PPS Fatigue