Original Post: Somedays I overdo it and have no pain, other days I take it easy and suffer the next day.  What’s up?

Dr. Bruno’s Response:  Remember “The 48 HOUR RULE:”

  • Polio survivors can often beat themselves up on a Saturday, feel fine on Sunday and crash on Monday.

  • The best way to avoid pain and fatigue?  Don’t do things that cause them.

"Conserve to Preserve" remaining, poliovirus-damaged neurons is the best treatment for PPS.

You can find the “cause” of pain and fatigue by monitoring your activities with the Post-Polio Fatigue Log. It’s easily available for download.

Look in the Index of the Encyclopedia of Polio and PPS under the topic: “Fatigue” and “Fatigue Log” for more information.

Richard L Bruno, HD, PhD


Cardiac Medications and PPS 


Stem Cells and IVIG for PPS