Kelly Gets A Vaccine

Hi everyone! We’re back.

We’re 9 and 11. We love both reading and science. Today, we read the book Kelly Gets a Vaccine, by Lauren Block MD MPH and Adam E. Block PhD.

This book is about a little girl named Kelly and her little brother, Joey. It’s time for them to get their COVID-19 vaccine and Kelly is ready and willing but Joey is not sure if he wants to get the shot. Their mom is a doctor and tries explaining the science behind vaccines.

This book looks like it’s a kids, paperback book. It may be for kids, but it’s not an easy book for kids to read. It has a lot of big words and a lot of pages. A few of the big words we had to stop reading and talk about with our Mom are: asymptomatic, eradicated, viral vector, placebo and herd immunity. Ariana: “I’ve heard of a few of them and the book does a good job of explaining them. The book also has some good graphs.”

Ariana: “The book told me a lot of facts. It reminded me that we all get the same vaccines and that you shouldn’t be scared to get them. We get them to protect ourselves and to protect others who cannot get the vaccines.”

We learned information, but we don’t know if it’s stuff that we will remember. Ariana: “The book was so long that I kind of lost focus. I wanted it to be over before it ended. It’s definitely not a book I would pick up and read to myself or to a friend.”

Learning about vaccines can be fun. We wish we liked this as much as the first two books we read, but it’s OK to like some books better than others.

Thanks for reading our review. Avery & Ariana

Avery and Ariana’s “Thumbs Up” reviews* of

*Note: These reviews are intended as opinion only and not as professional advice.

Kelly Gets a Vaccine Book Review by Avery and Ariana in PDF format:


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