Book Reviews Polio Network Book Reviews Polio Network

Nemesis by Philip Roth

“Nemesis is a powerful book, one that will stay with you for some time. Roth’s sentence structure and ability to bring his hometown of Newark to life in 1944 is uncannily skillful and masterful and is why I included so many quotes from the book.”

By Pamela Sergey

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Book Reviews, Advocacy, News Polio Network Book Reviews, Advocacy, News Polio Network

The Germ Patrol

“There are three reasons I thought The Germ Patrol would help kids get over their fear of vaccines. It gives a lot of interesting facts about how the Germ Patrol goes through your body and gets the viruses out. It is very funny.”

By Colin

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News, Book Reviews Polio Network News, Book Reviews Polio Network

Ava The Antibody Explains

“The book explains how shots/vaccines show your immune system what different germs and viruses look like and how your immune system can get rid of the germs before they make you sick. The book tries to help you feel better about having to get these vaccines.”

By Avery and Ariana

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