The Germ Patrol
The Germ Patrol by Neil Shulman MD, Todd Stolp MD and Robin Voss
A Book Review by Colin.
I’m Colin and I am in the 4th grade. I liked reading the Germ Patrol.
There are three reasons I thought The Germ Patrol would help kids get over their fear of vaccines. It gives a lot of interesting facts about how the Germ Patrol goes through your body and gets the viruses out. It is very funny.
I liked how the grandma put on a jet pack and then went jet packing up the tree to the main character, Trudy. She told Trudy that getting a shot is not going to hurt you. It tells you about how the Germ Patrol can’t do their job if you don’t get the vaccines. Because if you don’t, then you get sick and none of us like getting sick!
I like learning new stuff. I learned about white blood cells. When I saw those words I was like “huh ? ” and I kept wondering about what it was - so I kept reading the book. I found out what it means. They’re important to your body and stuff so you don’t get sick as often.
Overall I think The Germ Patrol gives facts in funny and creative ways to keep the reader hooked in the book. I think the reading level should be 2nd to third grade and up – it has a lot of hard words.
I give this book two “Thumbs Up” - Colin
The Germ Patrol Book Review by Colin (in PDF Format)
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