April 2024 Newsletter

Inside this Issue:

  • April 24th - 30th: It is the week that honors the miracle of modern vaccines all over the US and abroad.

    From Rotary International: “We applaud the courage, care, and tenacity of polio vaccinators who travel house-to-house to make sure every child is vaccinated. To end Polio for good means making sure vaccines are delivered to the communities that need them, whether by car, train, or even a bicycle! “

  • Colds . . . COVID . . . Flu . . .RSV - How do I know when to call my doctor?: Marny K. Eulberg, MD honors World Immunization Week with an article that updates this information.

  • Getting Vaccinated as an Adult:  What Should I Know? What vaccines do I really need? What will they cost? Where do I get them? It’s all pretty confusing.

  • “Kids Do Say the Darndest Things”: Art Linkletter’s quote is the perfect description for our latest children’s book reviews. We went back to our youngest contributors, Avery and Ariana, for another children’s book review. Joining them for the first time is Colin.

  • She’s a Grateful Polio Survivor: Rena DeRosa has become just that. Her honest story speaks of will and determination not being enough. She wanted to start really living again . . . and discovered she needed to makes changes in her daily life.

  • Who Helps Those Who are Experiencing Post-Polio? Polio survivors all over the world are asking this question. In the last of their 10 Part Video Series, Polio Australia did an outstanding job explaining some answers to this question.

    ***Click on the buttons below to Read and Download the newsletter in Regular or LARGE Print formats.***

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“One woman’s story of agony shows why childhood immunizations are so crucial” Ina Pinkney


Who Helps Those Who are Experiencing Post-Polio Conditions? (Video)