Ava The Antibody Explains
A Book Review by Avery and Ariana
Hi! I’m Avery, age 10, along with my sister Ariana, who is 7. Together, we read the book Ava Antibody Explains Your Body and Vaccines by Andrea Cudd Alemanni.
The book explains how shots/vaccines show your immune system what different germs and viruses look like. It also explains how your immune system can get rid of the germs before they make you sick. The book tries to help you feel better about having to get these vaccines.
Shots are never fun and can be scary!
We wish they would have told us about other viruses than just Charlie Chickenpox. We ask a lot of questions when we’re at the doctors. We want to know why we are getting a shot and what it’s for. Then we can go home and look it up and learn more about the virus. We are now curious on how the immune system fights back and helps us in other ways.
We give it two thumbs up !
- Avery & Ariana
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