CBD for Polio Survivors

Question: I talked to a rep who was selling CBD products. She said they were made with some sort of “nano tech” and could not be detected with the blood tests used for drug screenings. Is this possible? My primary care doctor is very wary when it comes to CBD products.

Dr. Bruno’s Response: First, beware of drug dealers’ claims. I am no cannabinoid expert and don't know about “nano tech”. But according to this article from Consumer Reports, CBD can be detected in blood and urine; the question is whether the laboratory doing the testing is looking for CBD or just THC.

     As for beneficial effects, there is clear evidence that CBD treats two rare forms of childhood epilepsy. For other conditions, including PPS, the jury is still out. CBD research findings are mixed and there is a general lack of powerful, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies to allow definitive conclusions about treating any condition. 

    There is more information available under “CBD” in the Index of the Encyclopedia of Polio and PPS.

Ricgard L. Bruno, HD, PhD


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