Dr. Bruno’s Original Post:  When in doubt? Nap! “Sleep inertia” explains why you feel so groggy when you wake up”  Go to the Encyclopedia of Polio and PPS and look at the topic “Sleep”.

This is a summary of the article:

Why Eight Hours A Night Isn’t Enough, According To A Leading Sleep Scientist

By Georgia Frances King

Quartz Media 

“For something that we spend a third of our lives doing (if we’re lucky), sleep is something that we know relatively little about.  As anyone who has lay awake at night contemplating the complexities of the universe can attest, sleep is a slippery beast. It involves a complex web of biological and neurological processes, all of which can be thrown off by something as simple as a partner’s nasal trumpeting or a coffee too late in the day.”

“There are also many, many misconceptions about sleep:

  • That you can “catch up” on the weekend for lost hours of shuteye.

  • That you can get by on four hours’ sleep a night.

  • That a nip of whiskey before bed helps you sleep better.

  • Even that eating cheese before snoozing causes nightmares.” 

Some topics covered:

  • Why 8.5 hours of sleep is the new eight hours

  • The genes that dictate if you’re a morning person or a night owl

  • Why you should take a nap instead of meditating

  • How sleep deprivation can be a tool to fight depression

  • Why sleep should be the new worker’s rights

  • and Tips on how to get a better night’s rest (hint: it’s not your Fitbit) 

Source:  Full Article

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD


The Polio Paradox  


Exercise and Polio Damage