Finally Feeling Better When We “Conserve to Preserve”

Original Post:  How long did it take you to start getting more energy after you started the “conserve to preserve” philosophy?   It’s been about three months for me and I still feel tired and have no energy.

Dr. Bruno’s Response: The Post-Polio Institute patients are told to take the 6 weeks of treatment off, do only what HAS to be done -- going to work, maybe shopping for groceries -- but no painting your kid's kitchen or running the church tag sale. So, as a holiday gift, I hereby give you the rest of the month off!

As far as feeling better?  If you follow all the guidelines, the Post-Polio Institute's rule of thumb is six months.

(I’m glad Polio Paradox has helped. It can be a disturbing read). The Post-Polio Institute patients are told to take the 6 weeks of treatment off, do only what HAS to be done -- going to work, maybe shopping for groceries -- but no painting your kid's kitchen or running the church tag sale.  

One item that we have found to be invaluable in identifying triggers for post-polio symptoms and to help polio survivors “conserve to preserve” is the daily activity and symptom log (see image). Is the log a pain to keep? Absolutely. 

Is the log the best way for you to find out how you are throwing away your energy and when you should stop and be resting?  Absolutely!

This PPS Fatigue Log is available for easy download in the Encyclopedia of Polio and PPS.  For more information, look in the Index under the topic “Fatigue”.

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD


Inflammation and Post-Polio Sequalae 


“Pushing” Yourself Too Far