Original Post:  If I sit for any length of time my leg dies. It's not numb or asleep per say, it just won't hold me. I have to get up and walk around, but I can't walk because my legs won't hold me! It's a viscous circle.  I use a walker and I used to be able to walk around the house without it, but no more. My arms are giving out now. It's scary.

Dr. Bruno’s Response:  I think you need a thorough evaluation by rehabilitation specialist, that will probably include bloodwork and an MRI of your spine, to rule out other causes for your numbness and weakness. 

We always believe in the importance of going to the source of the problem.

Remember, PPS is a diagnosis of EXCLUSION!

Additional Post:  When that happened to me?  We ruled out other issues first. That is when my doctor said to use a power chair to save my arms. My "good leg", also affected by polio, used to go to sleep like that. I could not drive for more than an hour before it would start to go to sleep and be useless. I never connected it with polio at the time.

Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD


Gullian-Barre and Polio. What’s the Difference?  


Fasting and Neuron Function