Do Those Exposed to Polio Face Health Risks?(Video)
Do Those Exposed to Polio Face Health Risks? (Polio Australia Video)
What are the Main Symptoms of Post-Polio? (Video)
What are the Main Symptoms of Post-Polio Conditions? (Polio Australia Video)
The Iron Lung and Polio (Video)
"The Iron Lung and Polio" by Mark Rockoff, MD for OPENPediatrics
Three Little Words
The world will keep on twirling whether you are happy or unhappy. It's up to you to have a good life.
How is Post-Polio Diagnosed and by Whom? (Video)
How is Post-Polio Diagnosed and by Whom? (Polio Australia Video)
How Would a Clinician Identify Who is at Risk for Post-Polio? (Video)
How Would a Clinician Identify Who is at Risk for Post-Polio? (Polio Australia Video)
What Does a Person Experiencing Post-Polio Look Like? (Video)
What Does a Person Experiencing Post-Polio Look Like? (Video)
The Laws of Polio Electrodynamics (Video)
The Laws of Polio Electrodynamics. A webinar by Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD - September, 2018
The Ten Commandments of Post-Polio Syndrome (Video)
The Ten Commandments of PPS with Richard L. Bruno, HD, PhD (Polio Australia Video)
Casual Coffee Moments-PPS Conference (Video)
Dr. Bruno's presentation at the Casual Coffee Moments Conference in Fort Washington, PA - Fall, 2015