Thank you Dr. Salk –The Scientist Who Beat Polio and Healed the World

By Dean Robbins and Mike Dutton

A Book Review by Chloe

I’m 10 and going into the 5th grade. This book is a picture book about Jonas Salk and the polio vaccine.

My favorite part was how on one of the first pages it said “Adults kept away from bakeries and banks. Children kept away from pools and parks” and then later in the book it said “Adults headed to bakeries and banks. Children headed to pools and parks”. I liked this part very much because it showed how Jonas Salk made sure that people could go safely to where they wanted to go, and that meant that they did not have to live in fear anymore.

It also was fun to learn from this book that one of the thank you letters to Dr Salk was 200 feet long and signed by the entire town.

The book is easy to read and a good beginner guide to Dr. Salk if you want to learn more about him and the polio vaccine. I would recommend this book.

I give it two thumbs up ! 


Chloe has learned a lot about Dr. Jonas Salk. Along with her friend Daniela, they entered the 2024 National History Day competition with their winning entry: “Jonas Salk - How the Polio Vaccine Changed Public Health”

Image Sources: Dean Robbins with permission from Macmillan publishing.


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